Purpose Works

Natasha Lamb: Redefining the Intersection of Investing, Activism, and Impact

Episode Summary

Can sustainable investing really make a difference in today’s volatile world? Natasha Lamb, Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager at Arjuna Capital, shares her insights and stories about how leveraging the power of shareholder advocacy can catalyze social and environmental impact.

Episode Notes

Can sustainable investing really make a difference in today’s volatile world? Natasha Lamb, Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager at Arjuna Capital, shares her insights and stories about how leveraging the power of shareholder advocacy can catalyze social and environmental impact.

Natasha's wealth management firm focuses its investments on both profitable returns & stakeholder well-being, and her efforts have directly led to meaningful change at high profile companies like Citigroup, Apple, Nike, Amazon, and more. She has graced the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek and was named one of the 50 most influential people in business for her meaningful work on bridging gender and racial pay equity.

In this episode of Purpose Works, Natasha and host Maren Keeley, cofounder & CEO of Handprint, discuss what it means to work at the crossroads of investing, activism, and impact.




Connect with Natasha Lamb on LinkedIn


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About the host, Maren Keeley:

Maren is a curious and creative social entrepreneur with a passion for purpose, systems thinking, deep conversations, and paving the way for a better future. As the CEO & co-founder of Handprint, she’s on a mission to connect talented people with meaningful work and help purpose-driven companies build diverse, engaged, and values-aligned teams. Previously, Maren co-founded Conscious Company Media, which she exited in early 2018 after selling CCM to the SoCap Group. In her free time, you’ll find Maren hiking with her dogs, cooking, woodworking, listening to other podcasts, tending to her epic houseplant collection, running, and practicing yoga.

Connect with Maren Keeley on LinkedIn


Brought to you by Handprint

Handprint is a conscious hiring platform that connects talented people with meaningful work and helps purpose-driven companies build diverse, engaged, and values-aligned teams. Come visit us at handprint.io to learn more.


Purpose Works is produced and edited by Jeff Uzzel